Guide to Using the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 - Other - Page 84
Guide to Using the RIBA Plan of Work 2013
or is liable to data loss or corruption. Regardless of the realities or legal issues
associated with these technical points, the software to be used can have a
significant impact on a project. If new software has to be adopted by one
party, the issues of training and working to deadlines needs to be considered,
depending on the importance and complexity of the software, and additional
costs for purchasing software may also have to be built into any fee proposals.
The location of hardware can also have an impact, and particularly the location
of the server containing the BIM files. Is every party working from this server,
which might require a high-speed internet connection? If not, how are files shared?
And in what format?
In conclusion, the Technology Strategy for the project team needs to be carefully
considered to ensure that each member of the team is capable of working
successfully with other members and that the implications of hardware and
software are considered and agreed prior to appointments being made and
design work commencing.
he Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) data model is an open and freely available
(i.e. not owned or managed by a single software vendor) object-based file format.
It was developed by buildingSMART (formerly the International Alliance for
Interoperability) to facilitate interoperability in the architecture, engineering and
construction industries and is a commonly used format for BIM.
Communication Strategy
The Communication Strategy is closely related to the Technology Strategy. For
example, on an international project, video conferencing (part of the Technology
Strategy) may be a core communication tool.
The purpose of the Communication Strategy is to consider the interface between
meetings, workshops, email, file-sharing portals, procedures for commenting on
drawings and other methods used in the iterative design process. The strategy must
be flexible and ad hoc meetings, calls or other methods of exchanging information
will also need to be adopted.
BIM manual
The BIM manual sets out file- and drawing-naming conventions and other processes
in relation to BIM. A CAD manual is typically a single-party document whereas a
BIM manual has to be considered and agreed by the collaborative project team