Guide to Using the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 - Other - Page 25
Task bar 7: Information Exchanges
This task bar provides guidance on the information that would typically be
delivered at the Information Exchanges at the end of each stage. In Chapter 3
the importance of agreeing the precise extent of information and, crucially, the
specific level of detail is highlighted. Preparation of the Design Responsibility
Matrix and Schedule of Services are also key tasks as these impact who will
produce what and when.
This topic is new to the RIBA Plan of Work and also to the RIBA appointment
documents. However, given the degree of variability between practices and
between projects, it is appropriate for the RIBA to provide guidance on this
essential subject.
This task bar is fixed and is used in all versions of the RIBA Plan of Work 2013.
Task bar 8: UK Government Information Exchanges
The UK Government Information Exchanges task bar has been introduced to
encourage consideration of the stages at which the UK Government requires
information to be exchanged. This task bar highlights the fact that the UK
Government has its own particular views on this important subject, derived from
its 2011 Construction Strategy.
The UK Government recognises that, as a client, it does not need to be
involved in every Information Exchange. It requires particular and specific
information at each stage in order to answer the questions pertinent to a given
stage. Furthermore, the UK Government is seeking data-rich information that
can be used post occupancy to manage its entire estate and to allow stringent
benchmarking activities to occur.
This is a developing subject and further information is best obtained from, including details of COBie, which will be the principal
vehicle for delivering information to the UK Government as client on projects
instigated in the near future.
This task bar is selectable and can be switched on or off in a bespoke projector practice-specific Plan of Work.