Guide to Using the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 - Other - Page 117
The client’s aspirations for sustainability, which may
include additional objectives, measures or specific levels of
performance in relation to international standards, as well
as details of specific demands in relation to operational or
facilities management issues.
The Sustainability Strategy will be prepared in response
to the Sustainability Aspirations and will include specific
additional items, such as an energy plan and ecology plan
and the design life of the building, as appropriate.
The Sustainability Checkpoints ensure that key
considerations in relation to sustainability are considered
as the design and construction progresses.
The strategy for delivering the Sustainability Aspirations.
The strategy established at the outset of a project that sets
out technologies, including Building Information Modelling
(BIM) and any supporting processes, and the specific
software packages that each member of the project team
will use. Any interoperability issues can then be addressed
before the design phases commence.
This strategy also considers how information is to be
communicated (by email, file transfer protocol (FTP) site or
using a managed third party common data environment) as
well as the file formats in which information will be provided.
The Project Execution Plan records agreements made.
Work in Progress is ongoing design work that is issued
Work in Progress
between designers to facilitate the iterative coordination of
each designer’s output. Work issued as Work in Progress is
signed off by the internal design processes of each designer
and is checked and coordinated by the lead designer.