The Gender Pint Gap Revisited FINAL - Flipbook - Page 32
2023: Which, if any, of the following would encourage you to
drink beer in a pub or bar?
Women in the
North and
Wales are
Women in the 45
jointly most
- 54 year old age
likely to drink
group are the
beer if they
most influenced
recognised a
by recognising a
beer they liked
beer they like
compared to
19% of women
Women aged 18
in London.
- 24 are more
influenced by
None of the
promotion and
regions put the
low price than
reputation of
any other factor
the bar as their
key influence
on purchasing
a beer.
Social Grade
ABC1 women
are more
influenced by
the recognition
of a brand they
liked (27%)
compared to
20% of C2DE
Reputation of
the bar
mattered less
to C2DE
women (11%)
compared to
19% of ABC1
2023 in more detail:
Sampling a beer before purchase would encourage 16% of female women to choose a beer.
Overall, price/promotion is not a key influence, apart from the 18 to 24 year-old age group where it nearly doubles to over 30%.
Recognising a beer is still a key influence in encouraging women to purchase beer in a pub/bar, with nearly a quarter of women citing
this as a reason in their decision to choose beer as their drink of choice. We must acknowledge the challenge of distribution/availability
here. When women find a beer they like, they need to make sure they can find it again.
Whilst the reputation of a ‘specialist’ beer bar as an influencer to choose beer has fallen in significance (down 7% from 2018), it remains
an important factor in encouraging women to choose beer, followed by being able to taste the beer before purchase.
However, it’s disheartening to see little change in attitudes or behaviour in the ‘not applicable’ option: 48% of women (a rise of 2%) said
‘nothing in particular would encourage me to drink beer in a pub or bar.’
In our conclusion to this report we have issued a manifesto which seeks to break the stigma around women drinking beer and make beer
more accessible and inclusive.