BYL Annual Report 2023-24 V 1.6-Final - Flipbook - Page 7
Page: 7
Women Empowerment (WE)
The project was launched in April 2022, an
ini}a}ve to empower women to address their
personal challenges including domes}c abuse /
violence in the post COVID environment.
Through our network in the community we
established that the COVID le昀琀 a huge personal,
social and economic impact in their lives.
Women were e昀昀ected more, speci昀椀cally having
to deal with challenges at home as the income
of the men, who are the primary breadwinners
in the household, dropped. The women who
usually manage the ac}vi}es at home including
the family budget found that a big challenge to
cover the household expenses. This issue
e昀昀ected their personal mental health and also
impacted on their rela}onship at home, some
women were su昀昀ering in silence with domes}c
abuse and violence .
WE was established through the approach of
8women o昀昀ering women support (WOWS)9
where women having similar experiences are
connected as a group to support each other in
昀椀nding solu}ons to their issues. The support
worker is in hand to provide one to one
con昀椀den}al support where necessary and
organise ac}vi}es designed to learn skills to
deal with their issues, leisure ac}vi}es and
exercise session focussed to address isola}on
and manage mental stress. The women are
also signposted to a specialist service when
Due to demand and needs of this par}cular
work we have been awarded successive funding
to con}nue the service. The current funding
stream is secured un}l May 2025.