BYL Annual Report 2023-24 V 1.6-Final - Flipbook - Page 5
Page: 5
Health and Wellbeing Clubs
Over }me the Luncheon Clubs for older
people has developed into a Health and
Wellbeing Service for older people. Not
only does it provide the opportunity for
social contact for both men and women
(separate groups), but it provides healthy
living advice and informa}on, regular health
checks, nutri}on and dietary informa}on,
healthy ea}ng, smoking cessa}on support,
exercise sessions, learning opportuni}es,
holis}c therapies, cultural celebra}ons,
ou}ngs, trips, etc. taking into account the
individual9s cultural, religious and language
Over 100 people a琀琀end the
weekly sessions and ac}vi}es.