BYL Annual Report 2023-24 V 1.6-Final - Flipbook - Page 33
Children & Young People Project
Page: 33
Child D: Child C is one of our regular service users who comes only weekly youth club. This
was the 昀椀rst Play-Scheme she had a琀琀ended and was very excited about all the ac}vi}es that
were planned. Ini}ally it was no}ced that she was only interac}ng with the other young people that usually come to the youth club and was hesitant in comple}ng group ac}vi}es with
new individuals. However, through the group ac}vi}es, she became more familiar with other
people and at the end of the 昀椀rst day she was happily playing with all the young people in the
play-scheme. She had men}oned that ini}ally she just felt nervous but the icebreaker ac}vi}es had helped her to feel comfortable. Child D enjoyed the codebreaker game and took the
lead, she explained it to her team the rules as she had previously played a codebreaker game
in the youth club and together, they were the 昀椀rst team that was able to decipher the code.
Child E: Child D was a child in foster care and did not have much experience of mixing with
South-Asian children. He was con昀椀dent in talking to sta昀昀 but got very nervous when
encouraged to sit and talk with the other young people. Child E9s past experiences was that
staying out of the way of other young people would keep him out of trouble this was the only
way he would be liked by adults. With support from sta昀昀 & volunteer Child E was helped to
see the value of making friends; they supported him to par}cipate with others and Child E
had a posi}ve a琀�tude to ac}vi}es. He began to interact be琀琀er and spent }me discussing
di昀昀erent ideas with other young people. As the days went on sta昀昀 observed Child D was
more relaxed, con昀椀dent and talked to the new friends he made. He started to learn the value
of friendships.
YP F has developed her skills and showcased this during an open day event at CYCD. She was
able to showcase distance travelled as she was very shy and unable to talk to anyone within
the group but is now con昀椀dent in using her acquired customer service skills through serving
her colleagues. She con昀椀dently stood behind the counter and took and order and made a
sandwich for the customer. She was well aware of health and safety aspects and made eye
contact while taking the order. She then worked out change from a £5 note. Coun}ng out the
coins with help as well. This real experience has improved her ability and con昀椀dence level
and she has shown an eagerness and readiness to serve with a smile. It was really great to
witness her journey and culmina}on of helping out at events. Our workshops, training and
ac}vi}es for young people has improved life skills and this is a clear example of money
management, con昀椀dence building and real life experience.