BYL Annual Report 2023-24 V 1.6-Final - Flipbook - Page 17
Rising Stars Holiday Club
Page: 17
CYCD Rising Stars Holiday Club
delivered programs in Easter, Summer and
Christmas 2023 school holiday. This year 180
children aged 6-10 years on Free School
Meal par}cipated. Each child was engaged
for 96 hours giving accumula}ve total of
17,280 hours of par}cipa}on in posi}ve
ac}vi}es. The ac}vi}es were delivered in
conjunc}on with Ac}ve Luton, Energise
Luton Holidays Programme.
A structured detailed programme designed
with support from children that includes a
range of ac}vi}es, workshops, trips to
various places, mul} sports, a昀琀er-school
club ac}vi}es, drugs workshops, healthy
ea}ng and cooking ac}vi}es, arts and cra昀琀s,
baking cakes, pain}ng and drawing, glass
pain}ng, calligraphy, face pain}ng, table
tennis, draughts,, 5 a side football, badminton, cricket, rounders, pizza making, cooking,
role plays, making play dough, treasure hunt,
decorate a cake and build a tent.
The posi}ve ac}vi}es were delivered in
a safe environment to develop their
independence, con昀椀dence, self-esteem,
social skills and communica}ons skills,
emo}onal & physical wellbeing, aspira}ons
and develop a more posi}ve outlook to life
through engagement in educa}on as well as
making posi}ve life choices.