BYL Annual Report 2023-24 V 1.6-Final - Flipbook - Page 14
CYCD Youth Provision
Page: 14
CYCD Youth Clubs-
CYCD run youth ac}vi}es throughout the
year including during school holidays and
aim to create an environment where young
people (10-18 years) can be inspired. The
volunteers, sta昀昀 and Trustees members act
as role models and encourage the young
people to adapt a healthy and ac}ve
lifestyle, develop their con昀椀dence and feel
empowered to meet the challenges of life.
The youth clubs:
• Provide
Posi}ve Ac}vi}es for children and
young people and reduce an}-social
• Support
children and young people to
achieve skills and experiences to enhance
their prospects for the future
687 Young people were
engaged through 2599
contacts by the CYCD youth