BYL Annual Report 2023-24 V 1.6-Final - Flipbook - Page 13
Supplementary School
and Study Support
CYCD established through research that
bilingual children achieve be琀琀er academically
provided that they are supported to retain
their mother tongue. We also believe that it is
a basic human right to get support in retaining
their mother tongue. In addi}on to
campaigning or championing for mother
tongue, CYCD runs the Rongdonu Bangla school
that provides mother tongue classes to over 24
children a week.
Page: 13
CYCD provides a study support clubs to
young people aged between 5 years to 16
years of age. We o昀昀er the space with the
resources and tutors.
The children who access our services
come from a deprived backgrounds
where they not have a quiet space nor
appropriate resources to do their school
homework and study e昀昀ec}vely.