Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2022-27 - Other - Page 98
Policy C3
e) Reducing impacts on sensitive habitats.
Enhance the design and sense of place in new
f) Ensuring appropriate transport management
development and existing settlements, in particular:
a) Enabling new development which contributes
positively to the sense of place.
b) Promoting a high standard of sustainable design,
to facilitate and enhance the visitor experience.
Policy C5
Promote sustainable tourism management, with
a particular focus on:
energy efficiency, sustainably-sourced materials
and construction in new development.
a) Taking a coordinated approach to responsible
c) Supporting the retention and enhancement of
tourism and management of the Cairngorms
local character.
d) Facilitating the rehabilitation of redundant rural
National Park as a visitor destination.
b) Delivering a visitor / customer experience that
buildings and recycling of resources.
e) Ensuring road upgrades and improvements
spans organisational boundaries.
c) Providing high-quality, coordinated information,
respond to local landscape character.
setting individual visitor experiences in the context
f) Promoting active travel and public transport
provision and reducing the reliance on private
of the wider National Park.
d) Building on and promoting the National Park brand
and the promise it delivers.
motor vehicles.
Policy C4
Policy C6
Develop plans to help manage visitor pressure in key
Conserve and enhance the cultural heritage that helps
areas, including:
to create the sense of place and identity of communities
within the National Park by:
a) Ensuring high-quality facilities and infrastructure
are designed to manage the effects of visitor
a) Protecting archaeological sites and their settings
pressures on the natural heritage and
and promoting understanding of their significance.
b) Ensuring appropriate advice and investigation
b) Ensuring that the upgrading or refurbishment of
for archaeology is used to inform proposals for land
visitor hubs improves accessibility for all potential
users and incorporates disabled access toilets and
use change.
c) Protecting and enhancing the built heritage and
Changing Places facilities where possible.
designed landscapes.
c) Enhancing the provision of ranger services to
d) Promoting opportunities to enjoy and celebrate the
deliver a warm visitor welcome and promote
cultural heritage of the National Park, including the
responsible access.
arts, sports, natural history and community heritage.
d) Reducing fire risk by limiting or excluding
barbecues and open fires in key areas of the
National Park, such as in areas of
woodland and peatland.