Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2022-27 - Other - Page 46
BY 2027
Deliver catchment management plans.
Develop and agree a long-term approach to water management
and abstraction to help alleviate flood and drought issues.
(alongside the
Park Authority)
Heritage Horizons: Cairngorms 2030 programme (see page 12).
Catchment management partnerships, Scottish Water, Scottish
Environment Protection Agency, local authorities
A10. Ecological network
Establishing an ecological network across the National Park will help sustain wildlife populations into the
future. It will ensure that habitats and species are more resilient to climate change and human pressures –
increasing connectivity and functionality – and will reduce conflicts between land uses as we seek to make
optimum use of land in the National Park.
Projects that work at a wider landscape scale deliver benefits over large areas and require new ways of
working between multiple land managers, owners, agencies and anyone else with an interest in land. It
is essential that woodland, moorland, farmland and other land uses in the National Park are managed in
collaboration with one another to benefit nature.
A revisited set of designated sites across the National Park should form the backbone of an ecological network
and be at the centre of coordinated action across wider countryside management.
Connect habitats and ecosystems across all different types of land
use in the National Park to create an ecological network, which
will bring wider landscape, biodiversity and people benefits.
Establish a framework for an ecological network across the
National Park by 2025.