Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2022-27 - Other - Page 25
Image of two tourists in Aviemore by Liam Anderstrem
What does that look like?
Housing is more affordable
More people have access to affordable
Transport is more sustainable
People increasingly choose to leave
housing in the National Park and the
their car at home, with residents
proportion of second homes, vacant
and visitors being more active and
properties and holiday lets has decreased.
making regular use of low and
zero carbon transport.
Communities are connected
Communities across the National
Visitor facilities are first class
Visitors choose to stay longer and travel
Park are better connected by a network
at different times of year, supported
of fully accessible paths and cycle routes,
by improved infrastructure and high-
improving people’s health and wellbeing.
quality ranger services.
Cultural heritage is celebrated
The area’s rich cultural heritage is cared
for and celebrated in communities across
the Cairngorms, from events and
interpretation to storytelling and music.