Britvic-SDR-Licensed-v12 Final - Flipbook - Page 48
Category overview
Business and Industry
Juice drinks
Contracted / In-House
A non-carbonated drink which generally contains fruit juice
(some may not) plus added water or other ingredients
A drink made predominantly from carbonated water to
which juice or 昀氀avourings have been added
Cola-昀氀avoured carbonated drinks, including cola with
昀氀avours such as cherry, twist of lemon, etc. Includes all
clear and coloured colas
Dilutes (also see Squash)
Concentrated beverage, commonly called squash, cordial
or syrup. Must be diluted prior to consumption
Energy drinks
All ‘energy boosting’ drinks such as Red Bull, normally 昀椀zzy
Food-led pubs
Outlets that have a dining menu of some description
Fruit 昀氀avoured carbonates
Flavours are typically orange, cherry, lime, blackcurrant,
apple, pineapple and grapefruit, lemon, lemon and lime,
tropical and other mixed fruit 昀氀avours. Also includes Tizer,
Dr Pepper and Vimto, as these brands contain fruit
The demographic cohort after Millennials. Most of
Gen-Z have used the Internet since a young age and are
comfortable with tech and social media. There is no
precise date for when Gen-Z begins, but demographers
and researchers typically use the mid-1990s to mid-2000s
as starting birth years
Iced co昀昀ee
A ready-to-drink packaged co昀昀ee beverage,
containing co昀昀ee, that is usually consumed chilled
Landlords of leased pubs have a long-term (traditionally
10-25 year) commercial and assignable lease
All conventional clear and cloudy or traditional,
carbonated lemonade; 昀氀avoured with lemon juice and
additional fruit 昀氀avours to produce coloured lemonade
A brewery appoints a salaried manager, while retaining
ownership of the pub; this arrangement is a “managed house”
A term used to describe individuals born between the mid1980s to the mid-1990s, those who are now aged
between their mid-twenties and mid-thirties. This is the
generation that entered adulthood during the 昀椀rst decade
of the millennium
Drinks intended to dilute an alcoholic beverage, as well as
being consumed as a standalone soft drink
Natural energy
Natural Energy are Energy drinks which contain stimulants
from a natural source
Non-fruit 昀氀avoured carbonates
Non-fruit 昀氀avoured carbonates, excluding cola but
including Irn Bru. Also includes traditionals such as cream
soda, ginger beer and shandy
Out of Home. Includes Retail, Travel & Leisure