Britvic-SDR-Convenience-v14 FV - Flipbook - Page 25
Convenience overview
Convenience deep dive
Soft drinks are now bigger than
baked goods in convenience
retail. They were bought on more
occasions than bread loaves and
sweet baked items last year for the
昀椀rst time on record.1 In 2022, soft
drinks were bought on 23.6% of trips
to c-stores; baked goods were ahead
by a whisker at 23.8%.1 But in 2023,
soft drinks surged ahead; bought on
26.1% of trips versus 25% of trips for
baked goods.1
Convenience data tables
Clearly, this is a milestone for soft
drinks producers and the 48,500
convenience retailers operating in the
UK today. It also re昀氀ects signi昀椀cant
and, at times, subtle changes in the
way people are living, working and
interacting with each other, as well as
the economic outlook and values of
wider society. So, what’s driving this
growth and how can convenience
retailers continue to bene昀椀t from the
rise of soft drinks?
1 Lumina Intelligence Convenience Tracking Programme – 52 w/e 08.01.23 – 07.01.24