Conference Brochure 2022 - Flipbook - Page 4
Meetings Packages
Our meetings packages offer you complete flexibility, with
every event individually priced to match your specific requirements.
Please call our Event team on 01634 201333, for availability and pricing.
4-Hour (Half-Day) Delegate Package
8-Hour (Full-Day) Delegate Package
Room rental (8:30-13:00 or 13:00-17:30)
Room rental (full-day)
2 x Tea & Coffee breaks, served with a
selection of snacks
3 x Tea & Coffee breaks, served with a
selection of snacks throughout the day
Both packages include the following:
Restaurant buffet lunch or working buffet lunch
Filtered water and sweets
Conference pads and pens
1 x LCD projector and 6’ screen
1 x Flipchart pad and pens
Complimentary WiFi access to our public network for all delegates
On site complimentary car parking
24-Hour Day Delegate Package
Our 24-hour delegate package includes everything listed above in
our 8-Hour delegate package, plus the following:
Restaurant dinner
Overnight accommodation
Full buffet breakfast
Use of the leisure facilities
Should you require a conference room without the above inclusions, we also offer
full-day and half-day room hire rates. Please contact us for more information.