Government measures in key jurisdictions 5th edition - Flipbook - Page 103
Expenses incurred by beneficiaries of such incentive schemes with events or actions
cancelled or postponed as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, eligible for
Negative impact of the Covid-19 outbreak causing failure to execute contractual
obligations under the Portugal 2020 incentive scheme, may be deemed as force
Exceptional and temporary regime applicable to insurance agreements: aimed at making
the payment of insurance premiums more flexible. Under this regime, despite the lack of
payment of the premium or fraction thereof on the respective due date, the compulsory
insurance cover is maintained in its entirety for a limited period of time (60 days). In situations
where there is a significant reduction or even elimination of the risk covered as a direct or
indirect result of the legal measures adopted in response to the Covid-19 outbreak,
policyholders may request that these circumstances be reflected in the premium and the
application of an exceptional regime of fractionated payment.
“Programa ADAPTAR”: a safety incentive scheme for micro, small and mediumsized enterprises aimed at reducing the increased costs with the rapid reestablishment of
operating conditions for this type of enterprises. Under this incentive scheme,
the Portuguese State bears part of the costs with the purchase of personal protective
equipment for workers and users, hygiene equipment, disinfection products and of the costs
of reorganising workplaces and changing the layout of establishments (for microenterprises
investing between Ä500 and Ä5,000, the Portuguese State will bear 80% of the costs on a
non-refundable basis; for small and medium-sized enterprises investing between Ä5,000
and Ä40,000, the Portuguese State will bear 50% of the costs on a non-refundable basis).
Entrepreneurship and employment incentive scheme: an incentive scheme aimed at
supporting, in a simplified way, the entrepreneurship, creation and maintenance of
employment by micro and small enterprises, focusing particularly on national production.
This incentive system is aimed at investments of less than Ä235,000, with (i) remodelling or
adaptation works, (ii) acquisition of machinery and equipment, (iii) technological and digital
services, (iv) computer equipment and software, and (v) implementation of quality systems
and certification systems, and it is available on a non-refundable basis.
“Programa APOIAR”: a liquidity incentive scheme aimed at mitigating the negative impacts
on the economic activity arising from the public health protection measures taken in the
context of the Covid-19 pandemic, and promoting support for liquidity, operational
efficiency, employment maintenance and short-term treasury support of companies. This
incentive is structured in the following measures:
• “APOIAR.PT” (financing of 20% of the amount of the decrease in turnover, with a maximum
limit of (i) Ä10,000 for micro-enterprises, (ii) Ä55,000 for small enterprises and (iii)
Ä135,000 for medium-sized enterprises and for enterprises that are not SMEs, because
they employ 250 employees or more, but that have an annual turnover of less than Ä50
• “APOIAR RESTAURAÇÃO” (financing of 20% of the amount of the decrease in turnover);
• “APOIAR + SIMPLES” (financing of 20% of the amount of the decrease in turnover, with a
maximum limit of Ä4,000); and
• “APOIAR RENDAS” (financing (i) of 30% of the value of the reference monthly rent, up to a
maximum of Ä1,200 per month and per establishment, for 6 months, for companies with a
decrease in turnover between 25% and 40%; or (ii) of 50% of the value of the reference
monthly rent, up to a maximum of Ä2,000 per month and per establishment, for 6 months,
for companies with a decrease in turnover of more than 40%).
With the exception of “APOIAR + SIMPLES”, which is exclusively addressed to sole proprietors
without organised accounts, all these measures are addressed to SMEs or to enterprises that
are not SMEs, because they employ 250 people or more, but that have an annual turnover of
less than Ä50 million. All these measures are available on a non-refundable basis.
Government measures in key jurisdictions