LOB Salary Guide RISK v5 SPREADS - Flipbook - Side 14
Salary and bonus trends
Not at all
likely: 6%
likely: 30%
likely: 64%
How likely is your
organisation to offer
bonuses in the next
12 months?
According to Barclay Simpson data
“More businesses are now willing to buy out bonuses automatically, which
was not always the case. We’re also seeing improved parental leave, as well
as benefits kicking in on day one of an employee starting, rather than after a
certain period,” says Scott Nye, Executive Consultant at Barclay Simpson.
“A few employers are starting to offer four-day working weeks too, with recent
research and trials suggesting that this increases retention, engagement,
productivity and staff wellbeing.”
Given that 41% of firms already believe candidates’ salary expectations are
not at all aligned with what employers can offer, we predict that creative
bonus and benefits packages will become more common if wages continue
to rise at current rates.
This is especially true now that flexible working, which has traditionally been
an attractive perk in years past, is increasingly considered a standard offering.