LOB Salary Guide Cyber Security and Data v10 SPREADS - Flipbook - Side 23
Attract and retain the cyber security
and data privacy professionals you
need with Barclay Simpson
Barclay Simpson has specialised in the recruitment of cyber security
and data privacy professionals since 2001. Our practice covers information
security, cyber security, data protection and privacy. Our long-established
team has extensive experience of recruiting on a permanent and contract
basis for in-house positions in commerce and FS groups, as well as
consultancy and systems integration businesses, and security vendors.
We can help you create a talent attraction strategy with competitive
salary offerings and support you as you build a cyber security or data
privacy team that’s future proof. Or we can help you find a role that
aligns with your long-term career goals.
Arrange a consultation today.
Barclay Simpson
3rd Floor, 20 Farringdon Street,
London, EC4A 4AB
Email: ss@barclaysimpson.com
Tel: +44 (0) 207 936 2601