BSA Legal Brochure 2023 v6 SPREADS - Flipbook - Page 3
Get expert recruitment support
to build your legal and company
secretarial teams
Barclay Simpson’s legal and company
secretarial division specialises in providing
in-house recruitment solutions to a
wide range of organisations. We cater
to businesses with large legal and
governance functions, or small privately
owned businesses looking to recruit their
first in-house legal advisor or chartered
governance professional. Our consultants
are sector specific, with specialist experience
in niche areas of financial services and
commerce to ensure you get the right legal
recruitment solutions.
Our company secretarial and governance
practice can source assistant company
secretary positions through to group
company secretary.
We tailor our recruitment approach to the
needs of our clients, working on either a
retained or contingent basis, to ensure you
get the legal and company secretarial
professionals you need to navigate the
complex demands of today and meet those
of tomorrow.
Please enjoy this overview of our recruitment
services. We designed them with your hiring
needs in mind so you can find the right
talent as quickly as possible.