BSA 2024 Legal Salary Guide v3 SPREADS - Flipbook - Side 20
Attract and retain
the legal and CoSec
professionals you need
with Barclay Simpson
Barclay Simpson’s legal division specialises in providing
in-house legal recruitment solutions to a wide range of
organisations, be they global institutions with large legal
functions, or small privately owned businesses looking
to recruit their 昀椀rst in-house legal advisor. We work with
lawyers at all levels from newly quali昀椀ed to general
counsels and we have built an excellent reputation
within in-house markets.
Our consultants are sector speci昀椀c, with some covering
niche areas of 昀椀nancial services, whilst others recruit for
some of the leading brands in commerce and industry.
We can help you create a talent attraction strategy with
competitive salary offerings or help you 昀椀nd a role that
aligns with your skills and long-term career goals, and
support you from interview through to salary negotiations.
Arrange a consultation today to see how Barclay Simpson
can support you as you build a legal and secretarial team
that’s future proof.
Barclay Simpson
3rd Floor, 20 Farringdon Street,
London, EC4A 4AB
Tel:+44 (0) 207 936 2601