May/June Issue 61 - Flipbook - Page 26
The Digital Identity & Compliance Card for the whole of
the automotive, transport & logistics sectors… join the
Compliance Revolution!
What does PATAM stand for: Professional
Accreditation Training & Auditing Matrix
• gives customers and company operations/
compliance teams the confidence to know
that each driver has completed the due
diligence and vetting process as requested
and, if a driver failed those checks at any
time, have the ability to immediately
suspend or expire the card so that the
driver can no longer access depots or
yards on behalf of the company;
What does it do: Launched in 2018 the
PATAM card allows individuals working within
the automotive, transport and logistics sectors • acts as a Training Management System
giving an authorised person within the
to provide access to their identity, training
company access to the training records of
and company compliance documentation
each driver to see who is trained, to what
to gatekeepers, auditors, agencies and the
level and when training is due to expire;
public when required.
Checking a Card/GDPR Compliance:
When a driver presents their card for
checking to a third party, that third party can
access its full contents including records
and certificates with one tap using either a
smartphone, laptop, PC or card reader.
On first use, the person verifying the card will
need to download a free App which confirms
GDPR compliance and use of data policies.
Updates to the PATAM Card:
Drivers can update their information free of
charge throughout their card membership.
Packages (shown in table):
Who can have one: The card is available to
any person working within these sectors who
may need to prove their credentials. There is
no requirement to have a particular training
course or vetting check to be eligible.
Card schemes: Individual or Company.
Individual Card: a standard blue PATAM card
which belongs to the card holder. It can hold
individual training certificates, licences, vetting
and CV (if required).
Company Card: either a standard blue card
or a company branded card. It can hold the
individual employee’s information, as above,
plus company compliance documentation.
• speeds up collections and deliveries and
acts like an online timesheet; geolocating
and time-stamping each reading so you
can see at exactly what time a driver enters
or leaves a location based on the reading
undertaken by a third party;
• gives peace of mind to the public knowing
that the driver who attends them is who
they say they are;
Due Diligence & Vetting Checks: As well
• can be read simply through an App on a
as the standard identity and driving licence
checks undertaken for the card, PATAM Group phone or laptop or through a Card Scanner.
is also an authorised Umbrella Company
Types of Card: A Virtual Card (standard) and
for the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS)
a Physical (additional cost):
and can provide an advanced driving licence
checking service.
• Virtual/Digital Smartcard: issued directly
to the card holder’s smartphone when they
Training: Included in the card package are
download a free App.
two e-learning modules: DriveAWARE and
Electric & HybridAWARE both of which offer
• Physical card: a plastic, credit card
a compliance and insurance solution for
size card, printed with the card holder’s
employer duty of care responsibilities.
photograph and basic details on the face of
the card.
Card Benefits:
• ensures drivers can prove their identity and
Control: The power of the card, means
credentials whenever required by holding
that there is full control over expiring or
all the documents they need to perform
suspending a card with immediate effect, if
their duties including: current photograph,
a card is lost or stolen, or in the case of a
driving licence, training certificates
company card, if a driver has failed vetting
and vetting as well as company policies
checks or has left.
and procedures, PAS43 and insurance
Additional Costs & Services available:
Company Branded Card; with own logo and
colour scheme
Physical Card
Card Scanner (inclusive of software)
E-Learning Modules; not included in the
packages i.e. Counterterrorism & Security
Online Drivers CPC Modules
Compliance is key when managing large
driver workforces and can be the difference
between securing a contract or not. PATAM
Group recognises that this type of investment
in people and innovation in technology can
be a big step and therefore offers trials to
companies looking to invest but who are not
sure of the benefits to their business. (T&Cs
For more information contact the team today
01245 943350 or info@patamgrouplimited.