July/August Issue 62 - Flipbook - Page 35
Friday 2 April marked ‘Walk to Work As a GP I hear lots of reasons why
Day’, so we ask – does exercise people don’t want to exercise, but we
all know that the main reason we don’t
exercise is because we just can’t be
As humans, we have evolved to move bothered, and there is something good
and be active. Only recently have we on the TV.
started to spend many waking hours
sat down, so it’s no wonder that chronic We don’t need to go anywhere to
disease rates are increasing. Studies exercise, we don’t need any special kit,
show being sedentary is bad for you; and we don’t need to chuck on a load of
even sitting for prolonged periods is bad Lycra and head off on a 100 mile bike
for your health.
ride or run a marathon. Evidence shows
that just getting 30 minutes of exercise
If you work at a desk, or if you drive long every day is all that matters, and it
distances, your body starts to change. It doesn’t have to be all at once.
loses muscle stores fat. Your metabolism
begins to alter, increasing blood sugar There are loads of videos on the internet
levels and the risk of diabetes, as well that can give you inspiration. The one
as increasing the risk of heart disease that I recommend to my patients is the
due to your cholesterol levels getting ‘5 minute kitchen workout’ on YouTube.
worse. Sitting also exacerbates back The guy that invented it is a GP and he
pain and is terrible for posture, leading is great. Put the kettle on and start the
to neck and shoulder pains which can workout - by the time you’ve made a
be felt as chronic tension headaches. cup of tea you will have completed it!
Not moving makes us feel tired, drains You only need to do it a few times a day,
us of energy and can cause low mood. and you’ll begin to feel great.
Why do we feel good after exercise?
Well it’s all about that chemical in our
body, Serotonin. Serotonin is often
called the happy hormone and is linked
with mood - the more we have, the
better we feel. Exercise is your short-cut
to boosting this even after the shortest
Do a ten minute fast walk three times
a day to get slightly out of breath - you
can add in some gentle squats to build
up muscle mass in your legs a few
times a day. Take the stairs instead of
a lift, and walk to work. We don’t have
to exercise until it hurts, just to increase
your breathing rate for a few minutes a
few times a day. It’s easy to fit in and it’s
easy to do, you’ve just got to want to get
Your body will thank you and stay fitter
and happier. Your choices matter, so
move over couch-potato, get up and get