July/August Issue 62 - Flipbook - Page 23
a set of objectives were agreed
in modular form for a technical
certificate. This could be used as
either a technical certificate for
a modern apprenticeship or as a
stand-alone qualification.
Overall the Institute is a long
professional body resident on all
the industry working groups and
partnering with all key stakeholders
including SURVIVE, The Health
and Safety Executive (HSE),
Professional Recovery Operators
(PROF), NRITG, European Rescue
& Recovery Initiative (ERRI) and
trade associations. It remains nonpolitical and not-for-profit to this day.
As a result the IVR are not a training
provider for the scheme, however
it approves training providers to
the scheme who meet the scheme
standards. The list of approved
training providers (external) are on The IVR continues to provide
the IVR website www.theivrgroup. nationally recognised qualifications
NATIONAL HIGHWAYS SECTOR com/training/find-instructor.
for all technicians within the sector,
it consistently aims to improve
It is important to know that all the training standards and technician
training providers registered to the competencies in order to provide a
Following these developments, scheme are completely independent safer environment for those working
the Institute was invited to join of the IVR and therefore, they set and travelling on the road network.
a committee established by the their own pricing and they set their
Highways Agency (now Highways own training delivery dates. Most TRAINING TODAY TO SECURE
England) to develop a Sector of them do travel the length and
Scheme for the rescue/recovery breadth of the country including
industry. The negotiations resulted into Scotland and Wales so there is The reinvestment back into the
in an acceptance by the industry of a lot of choice available to vehicle industry takes the modular training
the modular training scheme as the recovery operators.
to 33 bespoke modules ranging
industry standard and the Highways
from Core Modules VR01, VR02
Agency accepted the modular
and VR03 (modules that make
training scheme as the National
up compulsory registration to the
Training Scheme (NTS).
The overriding priority at this time Sector Scheme), the full range of
was to ensure that the IVR was not light and heavy vehicle recovery,
During the negotiations the Highways put at risk financially or otherwise. motorcycle recovery as well as
Agency, with full agreement of all It was prepared to take the financial specific modules relevant to the
trade associations and the RHA risk of progressing a new scheme, industry, such as Lorry Loaders,
awarded the Administrator’s role for without funding coming in through Preservation of Evidence and
training within NHSS17/17B to the its usual training activity. It was also Electric (EV) and Hybrid Vehicles.
prepared to invest time and money
and create a cost effective bespoke The full list can be found on
This role opened up a new era modular scheme for the recovery the IVR website https://www.
for the IVR and a major change industry, with an emphasis on ‘not- theivrgroup.com/training/trainingwithin its organisation. In order to for-profit’ and re-investment.
be awarded the Sector Scheme
Administrator role the IVR had to It founded IVR (UK) Ltd in 2006
remain fully independent, as a result to act independently and bring
the decision was made for the IVR representatives from the industry
to relinquish IVR Training Services’ together to form the National
industry training activities.
Recovery Industry Training Group.