July/August Issue 62 - Flipbook - Page 17
Transport secretary Grant Shapps
MP has given the go-ahead to the
widespread use of longer semitrailers (LSTs) on Britain’s roads.
At a recent transport select
committee hearing the transport
secretary said he had signed off
a trial of “heavier, or I think more
wheelbases. I’ve signed off trials to
make it permanent.”
A DfT spokesman told MT that
Shapps was referring to the DfT’s
trial of LSTs. The trial of 2,600
LSTs, which was set to run until
2027, became the subject of a DfT
consultation last November after it
delivered significant reductions in
both mileage and emissions whilst
boosting productivity.
from an environmental perspective
the industry can move more per
vehicle, cutting down on journeys
and emissions.
“It also helps to some extent with the
driver shortage problem. However
we would also like to see the weight
allowance increased from 44 tonnes
to get the full benefit from these
Mike Hawes, SMMT chief executive,
also welcomed the move. He said:
“SMMT has supported the trial of
The consultation, which closed last longer semi-trailers as they increase
month, looked at whether the trial productivity and contribute to
should be brought to an early end emissions reductions.
and LSTs be allowed to permanently
“We’re convinced that lifting the
operate on roads across the UK.
operator cap will increase uptake,
Two sizes of LSTs were included and that the market should decide
in the trial, 14.6m and 15.65m, the on how widespread they are used.
longer length proving by far the most
popular as it can can carry two more “While LSTs have an excellent
rows of pallets or three more rows safety record, additional ‘light
of roll cages than a standard 13.6m touch’ regulation, as favoured by
DfT, can help reassure those with
any lingering queries, and ensure
Trial results from 2012 to 2019 manufacturers and operators can
revealed the 2,600 LSTs had cut reap the environmental, productivity
road mileage by 33.5 million miles, and safety benefits of these trailers.”
reduced CO2 by 48,000 tonnes the equivalent to taking over 20,000 Trailer manufacturers also gave a
cars off the road – and been involved thumbs up to the adoption of LSTs
in fewer personal injury collisions this week. Paul Bratton, Group
than standard HGVs. The haulage President of SDC Trailers, said the
industry welcomed Shapps’ decision company had taken an order “in
to make LSTs a permanent fixture excess of 50 LSTs” last week, as
hauliers prepare for the government
on UK roads.
Tom Cotton, RHA head of
infrastructure policy, said: “This is “We have had considerable interest
absolutely brilliant news as LSTs in LSTs in the past few weeks. The
can carry another six pallets, so good thing about the trial ending
is that those LSTs on the trial now
have a residual value which they did
not whilst the trial was still running,”
he said. However, he warned that
hauliers may have to wait for new
LSTs. “We have a limited amount
of capacity for this year with the
demise of Cartwright and because
European manufacturers struggling
right now with rising transport costs,
which means they are concentrating
on the European market,” he said.
Dean Ridgill, Montracon sales
operations manager, also hailed
the news and said Montracon was
already well prepared to take LST
“We’re ready. In 2017 we made a
business decision to future proof the
business to accommodate LSTs at
our Doncaster site, installing a paint
plant, shop blast and new processes
so we could meet demand,” he said.
Richard Owens, group marketing
manager at Don-Bur, also raised
concerns about the 44 tonne weight
limit on LSTs.
He said: “LSTs are a natural
progression from double-decks and
there is no real reason they should
not be allowed, plus they cut CO2
emissions and energy consumption.
“However, their weight limit does
means they are not really fulfilling
their true potential and will have a
limited appeal. They are great for
high cube operations and there will
definitely be an increase in demand
but there is room for improvement.”
Source: Motor Transport