Air Spectrum Environmental Brochure 23/24 - Catalog - Page 32
Key elements of our odour analysis services:
UKAS Accredited Odour Laboratory
Air Spectrum Environmental operate a state
of the art UKAS accredited Odour laboratory
that provides objective odour assessment
data in accordance with leading international
test standards: BS EN 13725. UKAS lab
No #8283. The laboratory operates within an
accredited quality management system in
line with ISO 17025. The laboratory o昀昀ers a
broad range of odour analysis services that
help clients quantify and pro昀椀le both the
environmental impact and also the human
response to odours in respect of current
regulatory and certi昀椀cation standards.
Quantitative Sensory Analysis
∙ Odour concentration analysis (ouE/m3) is a
standardised measurement of the detection
threshold concentration of a speci昀椀c odour
and corresponds to the lowest concentration
at which 50% of the population would detect
an odour. This test is carried out in line with
the European reference standard BS EN 13725:
2003 and is the benchmark measurement
technique used to monitor & regulate
odorous emissions.
∙ Odour speciation analysis provides customers
with a compositional breakdown of the key
compounds responsible for odour issues.
Understanding the makeup of odorous samples
on a molecular level, helps clients to optimise
control measures and target the compounds
that matter.
Qualitative Sensory Analysis:
∙ Hedonic tone measurements provide clients
with an assessment of how pleasant or
unpleasant an odorous sample is, as perceived
by a panel of human assessors. Assessments
are carried out in line with the recognised
VDI-3882 -Part 2 test standard.
∙ Odour characterisation analysis provides an
additional level of data that informs customers
of how a representative panel of human
assessors identify and perceive the odorous
samples. Characterisation measurements
can help clients validate odour complaints by
con昀椀rming the nature of the perceived odour.
∙ Odour intensity assessments are used to
qualitatively measure the perceived strength
of an odour sample at a concentration just
above its odour detection threshold point.
Some odour compounds are perceived as being
stronger than others when they are both at
the same concentration. Therefore, intensity
measurements can provide critical insights
into which compounds are easily detectable at
low concentrations. Applications of this type
of testing include leak-detection trials within
natural gas & hydrogen gas.
External training & Odour Acuity Assessment:
∙ Odour acuity training & certi昀椀cation services
provide a standardised framework for assessing
an individual’s odour sensitivity to the reference
compound N-butanol. The assessments
are typically carried out over a single
two-hour period in accordance with the
panellist requirements of BS EN 13725.
∙ Following the assessment, each individuals
sensitivity to the reference odorant is
calculated and a certi昀椀cate is issued.
Con昀椀rmation of an individuals sensitivity
to odour is a valuable tool for many
professionals including:
– Regulatory o昀케cers responsible for
odour complaint investigation
– Air quality consultants conducting odour
impact assessments (IAQM odour guidance)
– Site managers of waste treatment facilities.
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