Air Spectrum Environmental Brochure 23/24 - Catalog - Page 21
Air Quality Monitoring
Spectrum Environmental Support can offer
a range of independent Air monitoring &
Air Quality assessment services that assist
clients in achieving compliance with respect
to environmental permitting, planning and
health & safety regulations.
The department draws on reference techniques and
internationally recognised standards to enable our
consultants to carry out a variety of complex and basic
air quality assessment and monitoring techniques in
the following areas:
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Assessments
Ambient air quality monitoring assessments are
designed to provide site operators and regulatory
authorities with accurate and representative
measurements of the level of air pollutants at
key locations in the ambient air. Monitoring
techniques can range from the deployment of
certified real time instrumentation to the use of
simpler manual methods, with all procedures
adhering to recognised standards outlined in
the EA TGN M8 monitoring ambient air:
∙ Assessing the impact of modelled air pollutant
releases from industrial installations to help
organisations demonstrate compliance with
air quality standard limits and environmental
permit conditions.
∙ Passive diffusion tube surveys offer a
cost-effective approach in providing
average concentrations measurements of
key air pollutants (NO2). These studies can
help establish baseline pollution levels prior
to the construction or implementation of
new development schemes.
∙ Air emissions risk assessments and bespoke
environmental permit applications for part A
(1) & A (2) installations.
∙ Dust and odour impact assessments in support
of planning and environmental permit consents
conducted in accordance with Environment
agency & IAQM guidelines.
∙ Ammonia impact assessments from intensive
farming & livestock installations.
∙ Consequence modelling of accidental chemical
releases from COMAH or high risk sites for
safety and emergency planning scenarios.
∙ Air monitoring investigations utilising
real-time particulate (PM 10 -PM 2.5) or
gaseous monitoring systems can demonstrate
compliance with environmental permit
conditions for chemical and industrial plants.
Bespoke Chemical speciation analysis can also
be carried out to verify that emissions are
safe and not posing any health risks to the
workforce or wider general public.
∙ Boundary dust monitoring systems enable
principal construction contractors to verify
the effectiveness of dust management
plans and also comply with section 61
and planning conditions.
Please see page 17 for
indoor AQ monitors
Air Quality Impact Assessments and
Air Dispersion Modelling Techniques
Air Quality Impact assessments and air
dispersion modelling techniques quantify how the
passage of air pollutants within the atmosphere
impacts on the environment and human health.
Detailed modelling provides organisations with
the data to demonstrate that installations comply
with environmental permitting and planning
conditions. Typical applications of air quality
impact assessments include: