UK Cargo digital brochure 2024 - Flipbook - Page 8
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Case studies
Going above
and beyond.
We were contacted by a US-based
cargo forwarder to assist with the
transportation of six pieces of oil
& gas equipment. The delivery
weighing 3.5 tonnes departed
from Houston International
Airport in the US, to Nouakchott
Airport in Mauritania.
Due to the remote nature of the
location, the lack of scheduled
freighter service and the dimensions
of the cargo, the team concluded
that a chartered AN-26 aircraft
was the most e昀케cient delivery
solution into Nouakchott.
The AN-26 was located in
Luxembourg, so the load was
昀椀rst 昀氀own from Houston to
Luxembourg airport as a part
charter on board a Boeing 747F.
The Cargo teams in the US
and Germany worked closely
together to ensure that the
two 昀氀ights were seamlessly
transhipped onto the AN-26
aircraft in Luxembourg, so
that the equipment arrived in
Mauritania in good time.
We received a request to
transport a set of important
documents from Texas, USA
to a production facility located
in Niger. Working to a tight
deadline, the most suitable
connection was routed via
Europe with a 2-courier solution.
Within an hour of the order being
con昀椀rmed, the 昀椀rst courier was
ready at the collection location
within the US. The courier then
proceeded directly to Houston
airport to check in for the next
scheduled 昀氀ight to Europe.
A second courier, with relevant
visas for Niger, took over the
shipment at Amsterdam airport
where the documents were able
to be 昀氀own on to Niamey airport
to meet the delivery deadline.