SLASB Ephesians Sampler - Flipbook - Page 15
Ephesians 6
So pray that I will keep on speaking boldly for sent him to you for this very p
urpose—to let
you know how we are doing and to encourage
him, as I should.
23Peace be with you, dear brothers and sisFinal Greetings
21 To bring you up to date, Tychi c us will give
ters,* and may God the Father and the Lord Jesus
you a full report about what I am doing and Christ give you love with faithfulness. 24May
how I am getting along. He is a beloved brother God’s grace be eternally upon all who love our
and faithful helper in the Lord’s work. 22I have Lord J esus Christ.
6:23 Greek brothers.
May you have the power to understand,
as all God’s people should, how wide, how long,
how high, and how deep his love is.
Ephesians 3:18