New Believers Bible - Flipbook - Page 82
At the back of the New Believer’s Bible you will find several features that
will help you understand the Bible and your faith better. These features
• How to Study the Bible—a practical way for you to read through the
Bible and a list of questions to ask yourself as you read.
• One Year New Testament Reading Plan—an outline for reading the
New Testatment in five minutes a day in one year.
• 52 Great Bible Stories—a list of well-known Bible stories, where you
can find them, and the main lesson you can get out of them.
• Memory Verses—a list of key Bible verses to commit to memory.
• Prophecies about Jesus—a list of Old Testament passages that contain
prophecies about Jesus, and the New Testament references that record
his fulfillment of those prophecies.
• Glossary of Christian Terms—a quick-reference guide to help you
understand the meanings of words like atonement, justification,
redemption, and sanctification.
The New Believer’s Bible is easy to use. Simply turn to page A23 and
begin reading the “Who Is God?” up-front note in the “Cornerstones”
reading track. Look up the Scripture passages and in-text notes referred
to at the end of this note. After you have read all the Scripture passages
and in-text notes for “Who Is God?” move on to the next up-front note
(“Who Is Jesus?”) and begin the process over again.
You can read one up-front note and its Scripture passages and in-text
notes a day. Or, if you prefer, browse through the table of contents and
choose the topic(s) that interests you the most for your daily reading.
Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the message about Christ, in all its richness,
fill your lives.” God wants his Word to permeate every area of your life—
your home, your business, your play time as well as your prayer time.
So open your Bible and your heart, and God will speak to you from these
pages. Don’t let anything keep you from spending time each day in
God’s Word.
Greg Laurie