New Believers Bible - Flipbook - Page 123
asks, “Is it OK, as a Christian, to get drunk?” The answer is clearly no. The Bible
says, “Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled
with the Holy Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18). However, questions like, “Can I be a
Christian and still drink alcoholic beverages?” or “Can I listen to any kind of
music?” or “Can I go to any movie?” are not answered so easily. They are among
the many “gray” areas of the Christian life that do not necessarily have a “chapter
and verse” answer.
When you face a situation that the Bible does not directly address, you must
consider whether or not your actions will please God. Here is a “litmus test” you
can apply to those uncertain areas of life.
1. Does This Activity Build Me Up Spiritually? You need to avoid anything that has the potential to dull your spiritual senses and take away your
hunger for God and his Word (see 1 Corinthians 10:23, page 1038).
2. Does This Activity Bring Me under Its Power? As a Christian, you only
want to be controlled by the power of Jesus Christ (see 1 Corinthians 6:12,
page 1030).
3. Do I Have an Uneasy Conscience about This Activity? You must be
obedient to what God has told you to do, not swayed by what others are doing
(see Romans 14:23, page 1022).
4. Could This Activity Cause Other Christians to Stumble in Their
Faith? Stay away from things that could negatively influence other Christians
around you (see Romans 14:15, page 1020).
Some of the greatest challenges you may ever face as a Christian will come
from the workplace. Perhaps you work in an unethical, morally questionable
environment. Maybe you find it difficult to respect your supervisors. You might
find your job tedious or meaningless. You might even wonder if you are making
an impact on your coworkers for Christ. Whatever your vocation, your work can
become more fulfilling and rewarding when you follow what the Bible has to say
about your attitude toward your job or responsibilities. Take these biblical
pointers to heart and see what a difference they will make!
1. Work As If You Are Working for the Lord. Keep in mind that you are ultimately serving the Lord, not just people (see Colossians 3:22-24, page 1084).
2. Create a Spiritual Hunger in Those around You. Your godly example
can help increase your coworkers’ desire to know more about Jesus (see Titus
2:9-10, page 1106).