New Believers Bible - Flipbook - Page 112
thrives by keeping its members spiritually active and well-fed. The church
provides you with spiritual instruction from God’s Word, allows you to worship
God with other believers, enables you to use your God-given gifts and abilities
as God intended, and makes you accountable to spiritual leadership.
Some people think they can get enough spiritual input from Christian
television, radio programs, and books. While those things do have value, nothing
can replace the need to become an active member of a church. Think about it—
if joining in fellowship with other believers was not important, why did Jesus
establish the church? (See Matthew 16:18, page 858.) The Bible has plenty to
say about the characteristics of a healthy, vibrant church and the necessity of
Christian fellowship. There are four helpful insights from God’s Word on
looking for and attending the right church.
1. What to Look for in a Church. You should look for a church that has the
qualities and characteristics of the first-century church (see Acts 2:42, 44-47,
page 969).
2. Why We Need Fellowship with Other Believers. Fellowship with
other Christians sharpens our spiritual discernment and prepares us for
Christ’s return (see Hebrews 10:25, page 1119).
3. Why the Church Needs You. Not only will you benefit from the church,
but the church will benefit from you and your God-given abilities (see
Ephesians 4:11-16, page 1065).
4. You Have a Place in the Church. God has given each one of us a unique
role to play in our place of fellowship (see 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, page 1041).
The real evidence of a true Christian is a changed life. The great British
preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon once said, “Of what value is the grace I
profess to receive if it does not dramatically change the way that I live? If it
doesn’t change the way that I live, it will never change my eternal destiny.”
A changed life begins with obedience to God. This means that you will have
to stop doing certain things and start doing others. While God begins to
change your heart and desires once you have surrendered your life to him, he
still gives you the freedom to decide just how much of your life you will let
him control. But know this: Whatever you give up to follow Jesus Christ will
pale in comparison to what he will give you in return. For example, when you
give up sinful behaviors for God, he will replace your sin with forgiveness and
a clear conscience. With this incentive for obedience, look at six specific ways
the Bible instructs us to obey God.