Helpfinder Sampler - Flipbook - Page 38
L I G H T S , C A M E R A , A C T I O N ! This is the spirit of our age—action,
fast-moving action. How fast can we go somewhere, how soon can we
get this job done, how can we keep things moving? People in today’s
fast-paced world should relate to the Gospel of Mark, which we might
also call the Gospel of Action.
Matthew, as we noted, wrote for the Jewish
What you will be
reading about
people, so he included a long family history,
listing Joseph’s ancestors back through King
1:1– 2:28
David to Abraham. But Mark wrote for Roman
Jesus begins his ministry
Christians, who were not interested in Jewish
genealogies. The Jewish expectation of the
Jesus begins to face
Messiah, the King, so dominant in the Prophets,
was not uppermost in Roman minds. They were
4:1- 41
The parable of the sower
people of action rather than doctrine or theoland other parables
ogy: They wanted to know, what did this Jesus
5:1– 9:50
do? What can this Jesus do for me? What can I
Jesus teaches and does
do for him?
many miracles
Mark is a book of miracles and action stories.
These were action stories that proved beyond a
Little children, a rich man,
doubt that though Jesus was a servant, he was
and a blind beggar
not a mere man. Only God’s Son could do mir11:1–12:44
acles such as these.
Jesus in Jerusalem
Mark is the shortest of the four Gospels. For the
13:1- 37
most part, it focuses on Jesus’ actions rather than
Jesus talks about the end
his teachings. Mark is a movie, a moving picture,
of the life of Jesus.
Mark is a Gospel for today’s practical world,
Jesus is betrayed, tried, and
a fast-moving, action-oriented society. In the
hectic lives that we lead, we find the servant
16:1- 20
Jesus rises from the dead
Jesus, as Mark portrays him, deeply involved in
and appears to his followers
our workaday world. Jesus is not merely a theologian’s savior and lord, he is a working person’s savior and lord. When it is
time to ponder, to reflect on Jesus’ teachings, doctrines, and parables, walk
with Matthew and Luke. But when it is time to get to work, walk with Mark.
The Gospel of Mark raises a key question: What must I do to serve the Savior
as he came to serve us? A good servant is one who faithfully does the will of
his master. The will of God is for us to obey him and serve others. Jesus obeyed
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