Hands-On Bible Sampler - Flipbook - Page 74
Hear From
Hi, my name is
ISAAC (rancher, shepherd)
“Stop arguing!” If Rebekah and I told the boys that once, we told
them a thousand times. In fact, the twins started getting into it before they
were even born—they wrestled in Rebekah’s womb! I’m to blame for part of
it. Esau was a hunter. He was strong. He was my boy. Don’t get me wrong, I
25:21-26 to see
why they
loved Jacob, too. He just liked to spend more time at home with Rebekah. They
were as different as night and day, and my extra love for Esau just made things worse.
Esau didn’t seem to
care too much about
the birthright until he
lost it. Look what
Esau did with his
birthright in GENESIS
As the eldest, Esau had the birthright (even though he came just a few
minutes before). That meant that when I died, Esau would get twice as
much of my riches, and he would take over as the family leader. Well,
when it came time to give Esau his birthright, Jacob and Rebekah came
up with a sneaky plan. They tricked me into blessing Jacob
instead. You can read all about it in GENESIS 27:1-40.
Before the birth of the boys, God told Rebekah that Jacob would be
the family leader. And that’s exactly what happened. My family sure
wasn’t perfect, but God worked out his plan in us anyway.
God is good and God is faithful—no matter what.
Like father, like son.
Remember Abraham’s
mistakes in GENESIS
12:10-20 and GENESIS
20:1-7? Check out
Isaac’s mistake in
GENESIS 26:1-9. Even
these two great Bible
heroes faced times
when their faith was
Pass It On
God gave a blessing to Abraham (read about it in
GENESIS 12:1-3). Abraham passed that blessing
on to Isaac. Isaac gave the blessing to Jacob.
Find some old pictures of your parents when they
were kids. Do you have your mom’s eyes? your
dad’s hair? Ask someone in your family how your
personality is like your mom’s or dad’s personality. What else did your parents pass down to you?
How has God passed down blessings through your
Write down what you find here: