Hands-On Bible Sampler - Flipbook - Page 73
Hear From
Hi, my name is
ABRAHAM (shepherd, parent of a nation)
Like all of God’s heroes (except Jesus), I made some
whopper mistakes. But I know I did at least one thing right. When the Lord told me
to leave my house and friends, I obeyed. God just said “go” and promised that
Want to see a couple
of them? Check out
GENESIS 12:10-20
and GENESIS 20:1-7.
my children would become a strong nation. But many years went by, and my
wife, Sarah, and I almost gave up on God’s promise. We still had no children,
and we were old! Imagine your grandma and grandpa, or even your greatgrandparents, having a baby. Well, that’s exactly what happened to us. I was
100 years old and Sarah was 90 when we had Isaac—my wife just couldn’t stop laughing! In fact, we
picked a name for our son that showed our joy. Isaac means “laughter.” That’s no joke!
When Isaac grew into his teens, I had the worst day of my life. Read
GENESIS 22:1-18 to find out what happened. During that frightening day,
I obeyed God, and God took care of my son and me. You’ll probably make a
few mistakes in your life, but whatever you do, obey God. If you follow
Around this time, God
changed Abraham’s
name. If you want to
know what it was
before, check out
GENESIS 17:1-8.
God’s lead, he’ll take you to the right place.
Part of the Family
God told Abraham that he’d have as many
Everyone who believes in Jesus is a
children as there are stars in the sky—and
child of God—and part of Abraham’s big fam-
that’s exactly what happened. Abraham’s
ily. Add a few of the children of God you
grandson, Jacob (also known as Israel), had
know (including yourself) to the family of
a bunch of children. Those children had chil-
stars. You can squeeze names into the stars
dren who had children. The kids kept coming
or draw faces.
until, after hundreds of years, there were millions of children who became the nation of