Every Woman's Bible Genesis sampler - Flipbook - Page 15
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Being God’s Image—
Finding Our Human Identity and Vocation
When I was twenty, I had my first chance to teach in a college classroom under the
supervision of my professor. I was hooked. I knew instantly that this is what I was born to do.
You and I are different people. We each possess unique talents and interests and
participate in a unique sphere of relationships. The fact that humans have been created as
God’s image-bearers means that every life is precious—yours, mine, our neighbors, even our
enemies (see 9:6). And because we reflect God’s image, each of us is needed for the world
to be what God intended.
Genesis 1 is a beautifully structured account of God’s creative work. At the beginning of the
chapter, the earth was “formless and empty” (1:2). Step by step, God created the framework
in which life could flourish. On days one to three, God formed three domains, preparing each
for inhabitants—light and darkness, water and sky, and dry land. On days four to six, God
populated those domains with residents—heavenly lights, fish and birds, and animals and
humans. By the end of creation week, the earth was no longer
“formless and empty,” but organized and filled with life.
The Bible imagines creation as a cosmic temple in which
Our mission is
all creatures worship God. Unlike other ancient temples, the
to represent
Israelite temple lacked a statue or idol of God as a symbol of
divine presence in the central sanctuary. God prohibited such
God on earth.
images because, as we see in the creation account, humans
fill the role of representing him. This mission to represent him,
which arises from this crucial chapter, requires every one of us—in a wide variety of ways, in
every corner of the globe. Both men and women are essential workers in this task.
Genesis 1:28-30 hints at one particular task envisioned by God. We represent the Creator
by being responsible stewards of the world he made. Edible plants are to be food for both
humans and animals. This human stewardship does not imply unlimited resources for people
or free and unlimited enterprise. Part of our job is to ensure equitable access to the world’s
resources for both humans and animals. If we pollute the natural world and endanger animal
or human habitats, then we are not fulfilling our God-given roles. If each of us leans into our
roles as God’s image-bearers, his glory will be evident over the whole earth.
How does it feel to know
you are God’s appointed
In what ways might God
be calling you to care for
some part of the earth?
“My mom and I have very
different gifts. While I teach
in a college classroom, my
mom works in her sewing room, using her skills
to make feminine hygiene
products to ensure that
teenage girls in Africa can
stay in school.”
is an author, speaker, blogger, YouTuber, and serves
as associate professor of
Old Testament at Biola
University in California.