Chronological Life Application Study Bible 2nd Edition - Flipbook - Page 6
The Messiah’s People
ESUS ASCENDED TO HEAVEN , but he didn’t leave his
followers alone. On the day of Pentecost (Shavuot) God sent
the Holy Spirit, enabling them to preach the Good News with
power and authority from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.
That same Spirit knit Jesus’ followers into the body of believers
known as the ekklēsia (“assembly”), the Messiah’s people—a body
united to worship and serve Jesus and to represent him on earth
until his return.
God chose the Festival of Pentecost
(Shavuot) to begin this great work.
At this festival, Jewish pilgrims came
to Jerusalem from throughout the
Roman Empire. Peter spoke powerfully to the people, and many took
AD 30
AD 35
AD 40
AD 45
AD 50
Gaius Caligula
Caesar ( AD 37–41)
Peter’s sermon to heart, quickly
spreading the Good News of Jesus to
their homelands. The faith community
in Jerusalem itself grew daily through
the bold witness of Peter and John
and the love of the believers. They
Spring, AD 44
Agrippa I dies
Herod Antipas (4 BC – AD 39)
Jesus’ death and
AD 46~48
Famine in Judaea
Felix ( AD 52–59)
about AD 47, Barnabas & Paul
take famine relief to Judaea
AD 49, Apostolic
AD 37~38, Barnabas & Paul’s
first trip to Jerusalem
Pentecost, AD 30
AD 41~44
Birth of the church
in Jerusalem
Agrippa I
AD 31~35, Saul
the church
AD 35, Saul
comes to faith
council in Jerusalem
AD 50–51, Paul’s second
missionary journey
AD 46~48
AD 51–56, Paul’s third
Barnabas & Paul’s missionary journey
first missionary
AD 57–59
Paul is arrested
in Jerusalem,
imprisoned in
AD 49, Paul writes Galatians
AD 50, Paul writes 1, 2 Thes
AD 53, 54, Paul writes 1, 2 Cor
AD 54, Paul writes Romans
Nero Caesar
( AD 54–68)
Herod Agrippa I ( AD 37–44)
Passover, AD 30
expels Jews
from Rome
Herod Agrippa II
( AD 50–100)
Pontius Pilate ( AD 26–36)
AD 49, Claudius
Claudius Caesar ( AD 41–54)
Tiberius Caesar ( AD 14–37)
AD 55