Chronological Life Application Study Bible 2nd Edition - Flipbook - Page 3
The leading study Bible,
with even more
In a renewal of the much-loved Chronological
Life Application Study Bible, this second edition
will bring new understanding and inspiration to
your reading and discovery of God’s Word.
Presented in the clear and accurate New Living
Translation, this Bible takes you on an expansive
chronological journey through the ten eras of
biblical history. This second edition contains
updates to approximately 30 percent of the
study notes, profiles, charts, and archaeological
notes and includes twenty new two-page
articles. Written by scholars from Jews for Jesus,
this new and revised content highlights the
Jewish nature of the Bible in both the Old and
New Testaments and raises awareness of Jesus
as the Jewish Messiah.
The pages of this advance copy present a portion
of the second edition’s introduction to the section
“The Messiah’s People” and the entire Epistle of
James, written by the half brother of Jesus to the
early communities of believers, addressing how
faith in Jesus needs to affect our behavior.