AT LAST:3 of our favourite industry creatives reflect on2023 wedding styles and what to expect in 2024.Tory WellsTory Wells Hair StylistLauren HungThe Blackline BottegaDamian BericLittle Castro CateringWhat were the hair trends of2023 and what do you want tosee more of in 2024?What has been your favouritewedding style of 2023?What was a standout weddingof 2023 and why?“It's so hard to narrow it down toone as weddings have felt farmore experimental than theyhave been in years and I'veloved seeing couples inject moreof their personality into theirday and mix & and matchwedding styles to suit theirwhims. I've loved having couplesapproach me with an overviewof who they are instead of withimages of weddings they hope toreplicate, and I think this hasbeen reflected in the variety ofweddings we've seen across2023.”“The black and white wedding atKrinklewood for Julia and Patwas like stepping into a chicItalian party!“I believe 2023 has been a yearfor classic hairstyles brideshave wanted to feel elegantwith their hair and makeup.Classic classy buns and S waveshave been very prominent. I’mloving the elegance of a brideand I love seeing a moderntwist of a French roll comingthrough, I can’t wait too seemore in 2024.When thinking about yourhairstyle for your big day isthink about what makes youfeel the most beautiful don’tstray from what feels true toyourself!”With touches of Italy, it exudedtimelessvibesandsophistication, but mostly, it wasjustablast.Picturethis:Orecchiette with lamb ragout,carbonara tortellini, and thesezesty salads rocking the banquettable for our bespoke menurequested by the bride andgroom. It was like a culinaryparty that seamlessly married inwith the lively celebration – justgood times and great eats!”
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