Tutor Trust Impact Report 2023/2024 - Report - Page 3
It has been an exciting year for Tutor Trust as
we begun to expand our offer and continued to
support over 6,000 young people over the year.
We want to thank our team, school partners, tutors, and
funders for enabling Tutor Trust to provide high-quality
tutoring to pupils. With their support we have been able
to make a substantial impact across Greater Manchester,
Merseyside and West Yorkshire.
This year represented the last year of the National Tutoring
Programme (NTP), which has enabled Tutor Trust to grow its
reach. Over the past year we have strengthened, diversi昀椀ed
and adapted our programmes so we are in a strong position to
continue delivering tutoring after the NTP. Tutor Trust has over
13 years’ experience in the sector, and we remain committed
to delivering tutoring to the young people who need it most.
We have successfully piloted a number of diversi昀椀ed
programmes this year, including work in phonics for Key Stage
1, 2 and 3, English for speakers of other languages (ESOL),
and post-16 GCSE resits. We have also seen our Tutoring Plus
department grow by 135% this year due to unprecedented
demand. This team provides young people with specialised 1:1
support for pupils who may have more complex learning needs.
We have also found tutoring can be 昀氀exible and combine academic
support with other provisions to improve attendance and boost
con昀椀dence, life-skills, and social and emotional wellbeing.
Our model can also help to contribute to national crises, such
as teacher shortages across the country. Over the past four years,
77% of respondents to our annual tutor survey have indicated
they are considering a career in teaching after having tutored.
Tutor Trust can provide the experience and knowledge to be
successful in a teaching career.
Our core mission is to transform lives through tutoring,
and we remain steadfast in our ability to do this. Despite the
challenges within the education sector at the moment, Tutor
Trust has built on our model this past year to put ourselves in
a strong position. We have ensured we are best meeting pupils’
needs by being adaptable and we are con昀椀dent in our ability
to continue delivering tuition to young people in the North
at our current scale.
Ed Marsh, CEO and Abigail Shapiro, Co-Founder
and Executive Director
Tutor Trust Impact Report 2023/24