Tutor Trust Impact Report 2023/2024 - Report - Page 26
Our future
Embracing AI
In lesson planning
In November 2023, we were part of
an exciting project launched by Bain
& Company and the Hg Foundation
exploring how generative AI can support
teachers and tutors with e昀昀ective lesson
planning and personalisation.
Ten tutors took part in using ChatGPT
to support with their lesson planning
at Manchester Academy – one of our
long-standing school partners – and
eight submitted the plans they used on
the assignment for our standard lesson
planning spot checks. We compared the
quality of lesson plans submitted by
those who took part in the pilot and all
other tutors who underwent a lesson
planning spot check this year.
The average grade of the Manchester
Academy tutors was 2.33, while the
average for all other tutors was 2.14
(where a 2 is equivalent to ‘Good’ and
a 3 is equivalent to ‘Outstanding’). Of the
8 Manchester Academy tutors, 44% were
graded ‘Good’ and 44% as ‘Outstanding’
– meaning 88% were producing plans at
our expected standard. In comparison,
55% of all other tutors were graded
‘Good’ and only 30% as ‘Outstanding’ –
which means that while a similar 85%
produced plans at our expected standard,
the tutors involved in the pilot had a
higher proportion of tutors producing
plans of the highest quality.
The very limited sample size of eight
tutors means that it is not possible to
make any concrete conclusions but this
data does show promising 昀椀rst signs
that lesson planning supported by AI
tools could have a positive e昀昀ect on
the quality of the tuition being provided.
As a result of the project, Bain &
Company published new Teaching with
ChatGPT9, guidance and we worked
with them to host an online learning
opportunity showing tutors, sta昀昀 and
26 Tutor Trust Impact Report 2023/24
teachers how to use the guidance
e昀昀ectively. We also created a series
of AI tutorials for our tutors drawing
on our own research and insight
gained from the project.
▲ Bishop Young Church
of England Academy,
Key Stage 3/4 summer
school with tutor
Reanne Cockburn
We’ll continue exploring new ways of
using AI to enhance teaching and learning
using several AI platforms. This will be
led in-house with our tutors and Quality
Team trialling the e昀昀ectiveness of these
tools and evaluating the impact they
have on teaching and learning.
Our appetite for using AI in all our work
across the organisation is strong; AI is
an integral part of our digital strategy.
Over the year, our People and Culture
team developed an AI policy for sta昀昀
and we brought in external training
to support sta昀昀 use of AI that included
hands-on experience using prompts
to solve a problem or complete a task.
9 Bain & Company,
2023 https://