TLAnnualReport2023-2024 - Flipbook - Page 8
The Intake team is a critical facet of Turning Leaf and the team is made up of highly-skilled, deeply
empathetic members with a passion for assisting vulnerable people find the help they need in order to
live the safest, healthiest, and happiest lives they can.
This year we have had 87 individuals begin or transition services with our SIL, Intensive Home Supports
(formerly Residential Services) and Day Services across Manitoba. The Intake team meets referrals
where they are at, and engaging in our person-centered process with the participant, case
management, and their support workers, is always an exciting process. We often say, we never know
what a day will look like. Working with people means changing our approach to fit the needs of the
individual we are serving.
The beginning stages of building a support plan with participants looks different for each individual
because it is driven by their unique situation and personal goals. In amenability meetings, we often
start by describing our voluntary, person-centered supports as a participant driving their own vehicle.
We let them know that they are steering the car and choosing their path, and we are in the passenger
seat beside them offering encouragement, advocacy, and support. This can be very empowering for
our participants, especially those coming out of the youth system where decisions are made on their
behalf. Engaging in the goal-setting process is something the Intake team takes a lot of pride in. We
want to help everyone start out with success and ensure they are actively participating in the planning
and treatment process.
This year we began services in The Pas which was an exciting new venture for our agency. Indigenous
Services, Senior Leadership, Human Resources, and our Intake team travelled to the region to get to
know the needs of the community. We wanted to learn what types of services are needed to help
vulnerable folks in the community live as independently as possible. We are excited to share that we
began services with six participants requiring Supported Independent Living supports and continue to
meet with new intakes virtually or in-person whenever possible. We look forward to continuing to expand
our services in The Pas community.
Our Intake department not only assists in the process of reviewing new referrals, but we also review
cases for those that require a change in services. Perhaps something is not working – perhaps a
change in circumstances means needing more around-the-clock supports or an increase in skillbuilding means a change from in-home supports to SIL. Sometimes we meet with participants that have
moved on from Turning Leaf at one time, only to return to services with us.