FINAL TSTO Lesa Dec 14.pdf - Flipbook - Page 9
Life presents lots of opportunities to chat, make a comment, ask a question about the kids at
school, so you can always go back to what you were trying to say the first time. By the time
you’ve done that a few times, your child will have learnt the most important message: They
can talk about this subject with you.
Ahem… what is sexuality?
It’s not just sex. ‘Sexuality’ covers bodies, babies, growing up, being a boy, being a girl,
love and closeness, sexual feelings, sexual expression, personal values and relationships.
I’ve probably never sat down and
discussed the birds and the bees.
It’s not been like that. They’re
boys, and you go, we’ll have a bit
of a chat about that now. It’s not
even if they ask, it’s if something
goes ping in my head, and I can
connect little bits of information.
It’s been little bits of information as
they are ready to absorb it, really.
- Parent of boys aged 11, 13 and 16
Fundamentally it’s about caring for (and enjoying) yourself, your body, and others.
The purpose of this booklet— what parents said they want to know
We want kids to learn to care for and enjoy themselves and their bodies, and to care for
others. We also want to prevent unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections,
and forced sex.
Talking a little and often
makes a positive difference to
your child’s sexual health.
Talking a little and often, and going over the same topics, makes a positive difference to
your child’s sexual health and relationships.