FINAL TSTO Lesa Dec 14.pdf - Flipbook - Page 71
Sexual health websites especially for kids or teenagers:
Families Are Talking
This website and newsletter aims to empower parents and
caregivers to communicate with their children about sexualityrelated issues.
Family Planning (QLD)
You can download a lot of useful information from this website,
including descriptions of child sexual development, and puberty.
Information for parents, children and young people.
National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse
and Neglect
This website offers information on child protection education,
focusing on preventative measures to combat child abuse.
The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada
This website includes a focus on information and tools for guiding
your child down the path to becoming a sexually healthy, wellrounded adult. Information for parents and teens. This website
contains comprehensive information about sex and sexuality for
physically and intellectually disabled young people.
The Victorian Better Health Channel (Victoria)
This excellent website offers a wide range of health and wellbeing
related issues. Some of the topics include: masturbation;
menstrual cycle; puberty; acne; female genital mutilation; and
Check out these websites and others before showing your
The Hormone Factory
Developed by the Australian Research Centre in Sex,
Health and Society, La Trobe University, this website offers
specific sexual and reproductive development information
for parents and children (10 to 12 years).
Minus18 (Victoria)
Australia’s largest youth-led organisation for Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual and Transgender youth. Contains information
about sexuality, sexual health, relationships, consent and
tips for same-sex attracted and gender diverse people under
the age of 18.
Tune In Not Out (TINO)
TINO is Australia’s multi-award winning youth health portal
featuring videos, stories, blogs, music and factsheets from
services across Australia. It includes information on drugs
and alcohol, sexual health, sexuality, mental health, the law
and study.
Your Room (ADIS)
The place for a wide range drug and alcohol information
with information - how they can affect people, side effects,
withdrawal, and how to get help for anyone else who needs
Get the Facts (Western Australia)
Developed by Western Australian Health, this website
provides reliable information and support on sexual health,
blood borne viruses and relationships for young people
aged 14-17 years.