FINAL TSTO Lesa Dec 14.pdf - Flipbook - Page 62
6. Sex and The Law
Uh-oh. Pornography
Of the potential causes of harm to our children,
what role does pornography play?
Children and young people are often curious about
pornography and may seek it out as part of their
self- education.
The evidence is hard to find (after all it’s a difficult
subject to research!) but what seems clear is that
boys who watch violent pornography a lot (weekly)
have more aggressive sexual behaviour.21 One
study of 275 Canadian teenagers with an average
age of 14 found a link between boys’ frequent use
of pornography and their agreement with the idea
that it is OK to force a girl to have sex.22 This is an
important finding as it highlights that boys and girls
who watch this regularly need to know that forced
or violent sex is never acceptable, and is illegal.
When it comes to the effects on girls, more
research attention has been paid to the effect on
their self-esteem. It appears that pornography
can affect both girls’ and boys’ self-esteem by
presenting them as sexual types which they feel
they have to live ‘up’ to.23
Is a one-off exposure to pornography likely to do
lasting harm?
It may be unpleasant and offensive for yourchildren, but of no more effect
than that. It may certainly upset a child, offend a child, or make them feel
anxious. Many children and young people may already be aware that some
people produce this type of material and that it does not represent a happy,
healthy kind of sex.
Their response can be lessened or heightened by the ways in which
families interact and discuss what is seen. Tell your children what your
beliefs are about porn and what your concerns are, and be sure to let them
know that porn does not represent all sex or sexual relationships.