FINAL TSTO Lesa Dec 14.pdf - Flipbook - Page 59
Male condoms
Condoms fit closely over an erect penis. They collect semen
and stop it from entering the vagina. Condoms are up to 98%
effective at preventing pregnancy if used correctly — this
means using a new condom every time you have sex (or when
switching between vaginal and anal sex), putting it on and
taking it off correctly and using water-based lubricants with
condoms. In real life condoms can be less effective because in
the heat of the moment they are not always used correctly.
If a girl’s period is late or much lighter than usual then she
may be pregnant. Other signs of pregnancy are sore breasts,
breasts getting larger, nipples getting darker, weight gain,
nausea (feeling like vomiting), unusual tiredness and weeing
more often. A girl should have a test if she thinks she might
be pregnant and if her period is more than one week late.
Urine pregnancy tests (often described as ‘weeing on a stick’)
are quick and generally accurate. These are available from
chemists and supermarkets, but results should be confirmed
by a health professional.
Meet chlamydia, Australia’s no. 1 STI
High numbers of sexually active young men and women are
becoming infected with a sexually transmitted infection (STI)
called chlamydia. Statistics show it is most common among
young women aged 15–24, and young men aged 20–24.
One of the reasons it’s so common is that often a person has
no symptoms, and so doesn’t seek treatment. A complication
of chlamydia in women is that, if left untreated, it can develop
into pelvic inflammatory disease, which can lead to chronic
pain, internal scarring and infertility. Both women and men
can become infertile from chlamydia.
The good news is that, despite high rates of infection with
chlamydia, pelvic inflammatory disease in young women has
halved in recent years because people are getting tested and
treated earlier; new, easier tests have been developed; and
treatment has improved to just a single dose antibiotic.
Both women and men
can become infertile
from chlamydia.