FINAL TSTO Lesa Dec 14.pdf - Flipbook - Page 50
Most parents support the provision of sexual
health education in schools, but on the
proviso that they are informed about what
will be covered in school programs, so
they can be prepared. Many parents say
that they would like written information
about the program and what it will cover.
Finding out what your child’s school is
doing is important. The combined efforts of
parents and schools in getting kids accurate
sexuality information results in young people
who are more likely to:
delay having sex, and
use condoms and reduce sexual risktaking if they choose to become sexually
Teaching Sexual Health (TSH) website
for teachers
The TSH website aims to keep teachers up
to date with ideas for engaging students in
K-12 sexuality education through school
based Personal Development, Health and
Physical Education (PDHPE). It focuses
on inclusive sexual health lessons which
promote a supportive environment for all