FINAL TSTO Lesa Dec 14.pdf - Flipbook - Page 49
Some worthwhile things to know about
human sexuality:
Not all same - sex attracted young
people are sexually active.
Many same - sex attracted young
people are heterosexually active.
Many heterosexual adolescents
are same-sex active.
Sexual orientation may vary over
time but cannot be ‘cured’ or
changed forcibly.13
Relationships and sexual
health education in schools
Schools have an important part to play
in helping to develop well informed
and confident young people. The
teacher can lead discussions that
children may not be able to have
with their parents and provide the
environment for students to hear,
sometimes shattering misconceptions
on the way. School programs have
been found to increase parent–child
communication about this topic.
Peter: Parents [need to]
know that certain things are
going to be broached… as the
children go through [school].
Ready or not, these things will
come up in conversation.
Marie: Yes. Letting you know
what the children will be
taught at certain levels so
that you are aware of what’s
going to be going on, so that
you can either complement
that, or …
Peter: What questions
you’re going to get asked.
Marie: Yeah, that’s right. so that you can get some information for
yourself to complement what’s going on, so that you’re ahead of the game
a bit.
Or, you know, if you have real issues with something that’s going to be
taught, you have an opportunity to say, ‘Well, I’m really not comfortable
with my child being taught this.’ Because, I mean, we know our children
the best, you want to have that option of saying whether it’s religious
beliefs or whatever, that you can say, that doesn’t go with my family…
—Peter, parent of 8 year old boy; Marie, parent of 10 year old girl