FINAL TSTO Lesa Dec 14.pdf - Flipbook - Page 4
Talk soon. Talk often. was originally commissioned by the Western Australian Department of Health following research with young people that
found there is a need for resources to support parents and families as sexuality educators of their children.
Nepean Blue Mountains, Western Sydney and Hunter New England Local Health Districts, acknowledge the Western Australia Department of
Health for permission to reproduce and adapt this resource for use in NSW.
It was written by Jenny Walsh of the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society at La Trobe University, Victoria.
Maryrose Baker, of the Western Australian Department of Health, provided the project coordination and an expert reference group guided its
In 2008, consultations were held with the parents of primary and secondary aged school children in city and country WA. Parents were asked
about the ways they currently approach educating their children about sex, reproduction, sexuality and relationships, and the kind of support
needed to assist them to more effectively communicate with their children about these topics. Parents were also asked about school sexual health
education programs, the role of schools and teachers in the provision of these programs, and parent engagement with the school regarding this
particular type of health education program. This research was conducted by Dr Sue Dyson of the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health &
The sidebar quotes in this booklet came from those interviews.
The reports of these interviews and the review of international literature can be accessed at:
The original cartoons in Talk soon. Talk often. are by Georgia Richter.
Thank you to all who contributed to the revision of Talk Soon Talk Often for publication in NSW. Specific thanks to Dr Kath Albury, Associate
Professor in the School of Arts and Media at University of NSW, and to Auburn Youth Centre Incorporated.