FINAL TSTO Lesa Dec 14.pdf - Flipbook - Page 28
Top tips for managing periods
Give her a special pencil case or wallet to
keep a pad or a tampon in, just in case.
Help her find out which toilet cubicle/s at
school have a pad disposal bin.
Show her how and where to soak bloodstained undies (in cold water) at home before
putting them in the washing machine.
They might start
clamming up, and want
more space to work
things out in their own
Tell her she needs to change her pad/tampon
about every 4 hours.
The way the world sees and responds to teenagers changes too. A girl
developing breasts may find herself getting sexual attention she’s not ready
for. Tall boys are able to access the adult world more readily.
Talk about who to go to at school if she needed
clean underwear, or a pad or tampon.
Show her how to make an ‘emergency’ pad out
of toilet paper.
12 to 14
As children reach puberty and their bodies change,
they can be extremely self-consious.
They want to know ‘Am I normal?’ and ‘How do I
look to everyone else?’ The opinions of friends and
classmates become more important. Along with this
comes a new awareness of their own thoughts and
feelings. It can feel like a door opening to a new inner
life, which is fascinating but perplexing too.
They might start clamming up, and want more space to work things out in
their own way. They may have trouble explaining what they are thinking and
feeling, which can be extremely frustrating for them and the people around
The ‘cute’ crushes that children have had in the past may begin to turn into
something more like sexual attraction. Many will begin to wonder (if they
haven’t already) about when they can have a girlfriend or boyfriend, some
more seriously than others. This is a normal, healthy and exciting part of
growing up. Sexually, they may (re)discover masturbation.
Rules and expectations about gender are often ‘policed’ especially by boys
in regard to their ‘manliness’. ‘Tom boys’ may be expected to ‘grow up’ and
become ‘feminine’.
Some young people become sexually active (deep kissing, close touching)
by age 14 and a small number will start having sexual intercourse.